Saturday, February 22, 2025
  Happy Memorial Day from Palooke's World! I would like to thank and honor all the service members, and fighters of all kind, who sacrificed so much for this country! See you all next week when Mindful Mondays return! --Until Next Time-- Palooke
  I am a dreamer; I love to dream. Sometimes my dreams are an expression of my hopes. Other times they are a manifestation of my worries. In my dreams people are what I wish them to be, not necessarily...

Let It Go!

  Let it go! Whatever it is you are holding on to, just let it go. Whether it is a bad relationship, anger, hurt, unforgiveness, pride, self-pity, regret or envy, let it go. Do not spend another moment carrying that...
I have recently been grappling with this truth: Humanity is complex. We are an intricate, convoluted, paradoxical, yet beautiful creation capable of both great kindness and great evil. This is true on a macro-level as well as on an...
  I have an adorable, yet ornery and temperamental six-pound Yorkie named Benjamin Matlock who we all refer to as Benji. He is a funny character, especially when he alerts me that he wants to go outside by either whining...
I have been watching the FX mini-series "Feud" that depicts the longtime rivalry between Hollywood legends Bette Davis and Joan Crawford. The story is fascinating not only because it is true, but also because it portrays the complications and...
      Recently I had an epiphany. It is this: life becomes much easier when you realize that no one really knows what they are doing. This is our first time at life, and we are all just figuring it out...
    Rules and laws are funny creatures. Contrary to what we have been led to believe, they are not objective forces working to stabilize society. Rather, those in power give meaning and force to our rules and laws. Therefore, if...
I want to start by stating unequivocally that I do not condone the the shootings in Dallas last night. Sadly, however, I am not surprised by it. It is  the result of years of oppression and injustice. History tells...
      “Stop being black!” This succinct advice from my father perhaps best summarizes how to protect oneself from hostile encounters with the police. If you can manage to shed your race, then you have already diffused the situation immensely. However,...