Home Race & Justice What Type of Racist Are You?

What Type of Racist Are You?


America likes to think of race and racism in a very simplistic way. However, racism appears in various forms. Below are three types of racist I have encountered in my work as a civil rights lawyer and my life as a black woman in America. Do you fall into one of these categories?

Overt Racist

This is what I would describe as your “classic racist.” They are the person you immediately drum up in your head when you think of a racist. They are the Klan member, Aryan nation, swastika wearing, “go back to Africa,” build a wall, and death to Islam haters. If they had their way, America would wear its white supremacy proudly.

To others, they are everything you think is wrong with the world. To me they are obnoxious, but honest. They are obnoxious because, well, they are racist and blatantly so. I have no tolerance for their hateful ideologies and rhetoric that incite violence. However, I also find them honest. By this, I am not suggesting they are honest because there is truth in what they say. Clearly I do not believe that to be the case. Rather, unlike the other two racists, they seem to operate out of a genuine sense of conviction, even though that conviction is grossly misguided. They are open about their beliefs and I do not have to wonder about their intentions. They hate me and I am well aware of that fact.

Ironically, I believe that it is this conviction that gives this group of racist the greatest potential to be redeemed. A person who operates from conviction and principle can be persuaded to another viewpoint, so long as you show them why it is worthy of allegiance. Call me optimistic, but I believe with the right education, this group could channel their conviction of hate, toward love and reconciliation.

Denial Racist

You know this person. They are the one who readily acknowledges America’s racist past and admits that racism still exists. However, they are also the one who can never seem to find an example of present day racism. No matter how many unarmed black men die from police shootings, or instances where black people are referred to as racial epithets, they still do not see that as racism. They offer every reason BUT racism.

To them, Trayvon should have just answered Zimmerman’s questions. Eric Garner should have stopped resisting while he was in an illegal chokehold. Philando Castile should not have reached for his wallet even though the officer asked for his license. Tamir Rice should have complied with orders in the few seconds he was given. Lebron James’ having the word nigger spray painted on his house was an inconvenience not racism.

I consider this group to be racist because it intentionally turns a blind eye to the racist stereotypes and ideologies, such as the inherent criminality of blacks, operating in society.  More importantly, this group perpetuates the rule handed down in the Dred Scott case, that a black man has no rights which the white man is bound to respect. They wouldn’t make the same comments about those cases had the victim been white. As long as you have a group of people willing to blame blacks for their victimization, and refusing to fully accept the historical and present context that led to certain injustices, then racism will always have an alley. If you are an alley to racism, you are by definition racist.

Faux Progressive Racist

This group is perhaps the most dangerous.  They are the ones you find in diversity training crying about redlining in the 1960s. They are the ones who love Barack Obama, and went hard for Bernie Sanders. They wore hoodies in support of Trayvon Martin, and cried when Trump was elected (ok, ok, that was most of us).

But, this is also the group that would love to hire a minority for a position, but cannot seem to find any “qualified” minorities.   They only have friends of their race, and are surprised by how “articulate” you are. Their snide comments and condescending tone often leaves you wondering if they were truly complementing you or subversively insulting you. You can tell they are uncomfortable with your presence. In theory they believe you are equal to them, but only in theory. In reality they hold fast to white supremacist views.

I say this group is most dangerous because they are subversive. They present as allies, but will undermine your progress when it becomes advantageous. Unlike the classic racist, I am never quite sure what they believe. They do not live according to conviction, but according to perception. Your perception of them is more important than them living authentically.

To be sure, I am not saying all those who claim to be progressive or liberal are in fact closeted racist. Nor am I saying that only white people fall into these three categories. Rather, I am merely identifying at least three different types of racist I have encountered in my life. Most people only consider the first category but fail to consider the others. This has made my work as a civil rights lawyer frustrating at times. Until we realize that racism comes in various forms, then we will continue to be plagued by it.


–Until Next Time–



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